Seattle Acupuncture Associates

Leading Edge Acupuncture

Combining Acupuncture and Physical Medicine is an effective new approach which combines traditional Oriental Acupuncture practice with knowledge of Western anatomy and physiology.

Acupuncture and “Waffling” Natural Recovery

These rules govern how we sit in space, how we move, how we protect ourselves and how we recover from injury and illness. These rules are known as tensegrity. When you injure or strain your low back your muscles, which are an active part of this system, begin to adjust …

Post by Anna on February 19, 2016

Leading Edge Acupuncture
Leading Edge Acupuncture

Acupuncture and “Waffling” Natural Recovery

These rules govern how we sit in space, how we move, how we protect ourselves and how we recover from injury and illness. These rules are known as tensegrity. When you injure or strain your low back your muscles, which are an active part of this system, begin to adjust …

Post by Anna on February 19, 2016

Acupuncture at SAA

Thus, we ought to consider how our form originates. Remarkably, our bodies continuously self-assemble from within. This amazing feat so often admired in embryogenesis never stops throughout our lives. While this system is quite robust, the structural balance can be compromised by imbalanced use or by overwhelming traumatic force. In …

Post by Anna on February 19, 2016

The Medicine of Acupuncture
The Medicine of Acupuncture

Acupuncture at SAA

Thus, we ought to consider how our form originates. Remarkably, our bodies continuously self-assemble from within. This amazing feat so often admired in embryogenesis never stops throughout our lives. While this system is quite robust, the structural balance can be compromised by imbalanced use or by overwhelming traumatic force. In …

Post by Anna on February 19, 2016

Leading Edge Acupuncture

For centuries acupuncture has been treating neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders. The meridian system of acupuncture corresponds to tissue planes throughout the body.  This model clarifies the connections between individual tissues of the body and the structural balance of the whole. When an acupuncturist speaks to you about balance they are …

Post by 4accountadmin on July 8, 2015

Leading Edge Acupuncture
Leading Edge Acupuncture

Leading Edge Acupuncture

For centuries acupuncture has been treating neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders. The meridian system of acupuncture corresponds to tissue planes throughout the body.  This model clarifies the connections between individual tissues of the body and the structural balance of the whole. When an acupuncturist speaks to you about balance they are …

Post by 4accountadmin on July 8, 2015

Acupuncture Categories

Combining Acupuncture and Physical Medicine is an effective new approach which combines traditional Oriental Acupuncture practice with knowledge of Western anatomy and physiology.

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