Dizziness can have several causes. One of them involves disrupted functioning of the inner ear organs used to sense head position and maintain balance. If your dizziness is determined to be related to an inner ear disorder, acupuncture treatment may benefit you by enhancing fluid drainage from the inner ear to the throat or by stimulating neural activity in this region. Moreover, many cases will benefit from treatment of chronic soft tissue restrictions at the base of the head, where small muscles monitor and adjust head position.
Acupuncture is a powerful tool for redistributing postural soft tissue tone in this manner.
Earaches may signal infection within the ear, so visit your doctor to assess your condition. If earaches recur frequently or pain persists even though your doctor has ruled out an infection, acupuncture treatment will focus on pain control and stimulation of the local tissues to improve your ability to regulate the environment of your external ear canal and middle ear spaces.
Acupuncture can help relieve the local eye and nose irritations of hay fever by influencing fluid secretions and drainage rates. Additionally, many sufferers find that acupuncture treatment over time decreases their hypersensitivity to environmental irritants, decreasing the frequency and severity of their hay fever symptoms.
Nerve deafness, or sensorineural deafness, results from disrupted sound wave perception in the inner ear structures, which include nerve receptors and fluid, or semifluid, components (among others). Acupuncture treatment will focus on nerve stimulation, and may also target key muscles of the head, neck, or throat. The goal in this case is to relieve pressure or strain on key nerves passing from the upper neck to the ear as well as on blood vessels passing from the trunk through the neck and to the inner ear. This may improve fluid transport to and drainage from the inner ear, and facilitate nerve communication with the auditory receptors.
Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, may result from changes in the inner ear environment similar to those causing sensorineural deafness and the two symptoms will thus frequently occur together. As with nerve deafness, acupuncture treatment will focus on nerve stimulation, and may also target key muscles of the head, neck, or throat. The goal in this case is to relieve pressure or strain on key nerves passing from the upper neck to the ear as well as on blood vessels passing from the trunk through the neck and to the inner ear. This may improve fluid transport to and drainage from the inner ear, and facilitate nerve communication with the auditory receptors.
Tinnitus may also be related to other systemic disorders such as hypertension or to medications that you may be taking, so it should be reported to and assessed by your primary care provider
Several bones of the face contain spaces with openings to the nasal passages. Overproduction of nasal mucus and poor drainage to the throat can block the sinus openings. The sinuses become susceptible to bacterial proliferation, resulting in congestion. Congestion can cause pain below, between, above or behind the eyes, as well as headache pain at other sites like the top of the head. Acupuncture can relieve congestion of the nasal and sinus spaces by stimulating fluid drainage and regulating mucus secretions, improving the efficacy of your body’s internal immune processes in resolving infections in the upper airways
Viral infections frequently cause sore throats. These cases will not benefit from antibiotics. Acupuncture may alleviate the pain, although your body can typically resolve such an infection within about a week on its own. Some cases are caused by bacteria, and these can have more serious consequences. Get checked by your doctor if your sore throat comes on fast with a fever or pain in the front of your neck. Also see your doctor for problems with swallowing or breathing, or if the sore throat persists longer than a week.
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