Seattle Acupuncture Associates
Acupuncture treatment from out acupuncture center in WA

New Patients

Helping people recover and return to a healthy and highly functioning life

Acupuncture has been used for a few thousand years in the treatment of disease and injury. The stimulus that is created on the insertion of a needle produces structural and physiologic changes to occur. These changes range from the tightening and loosening of muscles to the production of cortisol (body’s steroid) and endorphin and enkephalin (opiate substances) to a regulation of blood pressure and boosting of the immune system.

Contact Us Today And Start Feeling Better

Treatment in acupuncture moves the body in a consistant assessable manner of recovery. The ultimate goal of treatment is to reestablish a pre-imjury/illness state. Here at SAA we have spent the last 25 years helping people recover and return to a healthy and highly functioning life. Whether you are 12 or 92 years of age you can be helped by acupuncture and your systems unique ability to heal.

Patient Forms

For your convenience, our patient registration forms are available for printing. Please bring these forms with you for your first visit.

S*A*A Patient Intake Questionnaire

Please take a moment and answer the following questions. this information will assist your provider in the management of your case.

S*A*A Patient Registration Packet

Please make sure that all information is filled out completely and accurately.

S*A*A Privacy Practices

Please read to review our notice of privacy practices and sign our Acknowledgement Form.

We look forward to meeting you in person!

Contact S*A*A

Many problems can be solved without drugs, medication or surgery - safely and effectively with acupuncture at the S*A*A Acupuncture Centers in WA

Speak with an Acupuncturist

Speak With An Acupuncturist To See How We Can Help You!

Call 206.622.0246

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