Seattle Acupuncture Associates
Photo representing Leading Edge Acupuncture

Leading Edge Acupuncture

Combining Acupuncture and Physical Medicine is an effective new approach

For centuries acupuncture has been treating neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders. The meridian system of acupuncture corresponds to tissue planes throughout the body.  This model clarifies the connections between individual tissues of the body and the structural balance of the whole. When an acupuncturist speaks to you about balance they are referring to this structural balance and the resulting physiology.

The Structure of Life

Did you know that virtually all living structures self assemble? That means that each of our bodies organizes how we sit in space by a set of simple rules. All tension bearing members must carry an equal amount of stress. For simplicity sake, every muscle in your body when in balance holds the same amount of tension. Following an injury this changes with the injury site with a much greater degree of tension. There is also a subsequent compensation in the muscles that occurs as an attempt to prevent further injury. These changes are part of the self assembly that happens after trauma. To an acupuncturist the compensation to the injury is as important as the injury itself when considering rehabilitation and recovery. The balance of the Whole is key.

Categories: Leading Edge Acupuncture

Post by 4accountadmin on July 8, 2015

We can customize our acupuncture model to blend with your sports training. Give us a call to get you setup.

Acupuncture Categories

Combining Acupuncture and Physical Medicine is an effective new approach which combines traditional Oriental Acupuncture practice with knowledge of Western anatomy and physiology.

Leading Edge Acupuncture

Leading Edge Acupuncture

For centuries acupuncture has been treating neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders. The meridian system of acupuncture corresponds to tissue planes throughout the body.  This model clarifies the connections between individual tissues of the body and the structural balance of the whole. When an acupuncturist speaks to you about balance they are referring to this structural balance and the resulting physiology.

The Structure of Life

Did you know that virtually all living structures self assemble? That means that each of our bodies organizes how we sit in space by a set of simple rules. All tension bearing members must carry an equal amount of stress. For simplicity sake, every muscle in your body when in balance holds the same amount of tension. Following an injury this changes with the injury site with a much greater degree of tension. There is also a subsequent compensation in the muscles that occurs as an attempt to prevent further injury. These changes are part of the self assembly that happens after trauma. To an acupuncturist the compensation to the injury is as important as the injury itself when considering rehabilitation and recovery. The balance of the Whole is key.

Categories: Leading Edge Acupuncture

Post by 4accountadmin on July 8, 2015

Acupuncture Categories


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