Seattle Acupuncture Associates

Uterine fibroids (UF) are benign growths in the uterine muscle, and are common in approximately 30% of women in their reproductive years. The most common signs and symptoms include heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), pelvic pressure or pain, backache, leg pains, urinary difficulty and constipation. Fibroid location, size and number will influence… Continue Reading

Acupuncture is a growing treatment method for menopause related symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia and increased anxiety or irritability. Studies increasingly prove that acupuncture is particularly effective for treating hot flashes. Participants actively receiving acupuncture treatments experience decreased severity in their hot flashes. In addition, acupuncture decreases the frequency and… Continue Reading

Several conditions can slow the movement of materials through the digestive tract or produce waste gases, giving the experience of abdominal bloating. Acupuncture can help return an upset digestive system to proper balance by stimulating or inhibiting gastric and intestinal contractions, stimulating or inhibiting secretions of the digestive cells, and by addressing postural dynamics that… Continue Reading

Acupuncture can influence contraction of the smooth muscle lining the digestive tract. Waves of muscular contraction (peristalsis) move materials down the digestive pathway. In cases of chronic diarrhea, slowed peristaltic action can help the colon reabsorb fluid, diminishing diarrhea symptoms and the damaging effects of dehydration. Continue Reading

Likely due to neural reflexes that link specific regions of the body’s exterior to internal organs (viscero-somatic/somato-visceral reflexes), acupuncture can have targeted effects on internal organ activity and intercommunication. Acupuncture can also produce more generalized shifts in autonomic neural activity, supporting the desired changes in digestive function*. Even mechanical [and pneumatic] pressures on the digestive… Continue Reading

Acupuncture relieves inflammation. See discussion of digestive problems. Continue Reading

Acupuncture can influence vascular smooth muscle tone and pain perception. Postural retraining through acupuncture may decrease intra-abdominal pressure. Continue Reading

Acupuncture relieves inflammation. See discussion of digestive problems. Continue Reading

Acupuncture can regulate smooth muscle tone and improve peristaltic coordination. Continue Reading

Ulcer etiology is multi-factorial, involving the chemical environment in the digestive tract as well as the balance of microbial populations lining its walls. Acupuncture can ease ulcer symptoms and help the body more effectively regulate conditions in the digestive tract. Acupuncture stimulates immune responses, influences pain perception, and alters the production rate of digestive secretions. Continue Reading

Dizziness can have several causes. One of them involves disrupted functioning of the inner ear organs used to sense head position and maintain balance. If your dizziness is determined to be related to an inner ear disorder, acupuncture treatment may benefit you by enhancing fluid drainage from the inner ear to the throat or by… Continue Reading

Earaches may signal infection within the ear, so visit your doctor to assess your condition. If earaches recur frequently or pain persists even though your doctor has ruled out an infection, acupuncture treatment will focus on pain control and stimulation of the local tissues to improve your ability to regulate the environment of your external… Continue Reading

Acupuncture can help relieve the local eye and nose irritations of hay fever by influencing fluid secretions and drainage rates. Additionally, many sufferers find that acupuncture treatment over time decreases their hypersensitivity to environmental irritants, decreasing the frequency and severity of their hay fever symptoms. Continue Reading